• Finding Form: Coil Built Vessels

    One Week, In-Person Workshop in Lake Tahoe

    June 24-28, 2024

    $750 + $50 materials fee

    This workshop will introduce a coil and pinch technique for building vessels. Coil and pinch is a fundamental ceramic process. We will discuss how to achieve clear transitional edges, dramatic cantilevered planes, and full curves. Develop your personal vocabulary in clay and approach to creating a studio practice with demonstrations, hands-on practice, and one-on-one instruction.

    This workshop is hosted by University of Nevada Reno at the Lake Tahoe campus

  • Building Zig Zag Vessels

    Recording of Live Workshop -$55

    This 1.5 hour workshop is focused on making zig zag/geometric vessels using a coil and pinch hand-building technique. Coil and pinch is a fundamental ceramic process, so this is a great class for beginners, intermediate and advanced makers. The technique can be applied to both functional and sculptural forms. I begin with an overview of the fundamentals of coil building including rolling coils and pinching up a wall. The bulk of the demonstration focuses on the components and considerations for coiling compound forms. I address how to achieve clear transitional edges, the importance of timing with coil building, and constructing cantilevered planes.

    Find out more about the workshop by clicking the link.

  • Building Round Vessels

    Recording of Live Workshop - $55

    This workshop is focused on making spheres and curvilinear vessels using a coil and pinch hand-building technique. Coil and pinch is a fundamental ceramic process, so this is a great class for beginners, intermediate and advanced makers. I begin with a concise overview of the fundamentals of coil building including rolling coils and pinching up a wall. The bulk of the demonstration focuses on achieving full, generous, curved forms. I introduce a technique of building upside-down that will help you get started. It’s weird, but it works!

    Find out more about the workshop by clicking the link.

  • Building Complex Forms Using Templates

    Recording of Live Workshop - $60

    This workshop is focused on using a coil and pinch hand-building technique, starting with a handmade template, to build complex compound forms. Coil and pinch is a fundamental ceramic process, so this is a great class for beginners, intermediate, and advanced makers alike.

    I begin with a concise overview of the fundamentals of coil building including rolling coils and pinching up a wall. The demonstration introduces making and using templates to bring shape to the base of the form, building and assembling components, making directional transitions, adding feet, and more!

    Find out more about the workshop by clicking here.